All of my siblings are girls. I have four sisters, four sister-in-laws, one sweet girl I babysit, and finally a little boy I babysit. The kids I babysit are siblings, my dear friends children. They are dolls. Both are very excited about life and very sweet to me and my babies.
But.... a BOY?!?! What exactly do you do with a two year old boy? So far we build with blocks, play outside, watch tv and practice potty training. He is much more easy-going than my girls. Where is MY boy? Why didn't I get a son??
Well, I'll tell you why. GENETICS!!! My maternal grandmother had 1 boy and 5 girls. My mother has 5 girls, so I am ever-destined to only have girl children. I am so lucky to have a sweet boy to squeeze on, and sweet girls to snuggle all night. I'm pretty sure we're stopping at two children, so there isn't much chance I'll ever have a baby boy of my own to snuggle. And I'm pretty ok with that :)
Our genes have snipers just waiting for those y-chromosones. ;)