
Thoughts for today

Have you ever wanted something you couldn't have? Tasted true delight to have it taken away? Loved the idea of something only to find the reality disappointing? Has the truth ever hurt? Has beauty ever slipped away before you could focus on it? 

Of course we have. We are human, we let beauty slip. But holding onto yesterday creates sorrow. And who has time for that? Let the regret go and embrace tomorrow. Yesterday is gone and today may be your last tomorrow.

My dear friend inspired me to live with no regrets. She lived for what she wanted, when she wanted it. She was selfish and impatient, yet loved by everyone. When she passed away in 2004, I held her sweet hand one last time and promised her I would remember her every day. I refuse to live with regrets. I don't live a wild life, I try to be careful for the sake of my husband, children and lifestyle. But no regrets. I love what I have and wouldn't trade it for anything. But who hasn't let something good slip away? A friendship left to wither? Precious moments with people we love? A night out with friends? 

Its not possible to have it all. We pick and choose the right things at the right times and just try not to mess anything up. Hoping we make the right choices, praying for heavenly advice, we go into the world. Don't forget to leave your footprints in the lives of others, and give yourself all the credit you deserve.

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