
Hopefully All In Time

One day, I'm going to have it all. I'm just that kind of person. 
My greatest wish is a huge chunk of land out here in backwoods Mississippi so I can have a big garden and a couple farm animals. I love to watch nature grow. I love to grow things with my own hands, plant, and nurture. I want to feel the dirt between my fingers and eat the fruits of my labor.
One Day
I want to see my children running with no boundaries, no worry for their safety. I love the safety of my home town. I want to raise animals we can eat, and teach my children to care for them as well. I want the stability of owning something all my own.
I do not see all this happening any time soon. But I know myself, and I know my determination. One way or another I will get it done. Watch and see World, I will get my way!!!
My children and my children's children will enjoy their own little pieces of heaven. Happily ever after won't have to be this hard for them. God willing, I will provide for my loves!

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