
Daily Happenings

So, its been a few days since my last post, but things around here are hectic. This Mississippi heat is sucking all my energy, and the dang humidity is weighing me down like a sinking rock. This stinkin heat is a relationship wrecker, let me tell ya. Hubs and I have been arguing a lot lately and I'm blaming the fireworks season. The stress of managing a mega-tent and 100+ temperatures must be to blame. Luckily there is only about a week left and we're home free.
I have to tell you I'm so excited about July and August! July has 3 pay days and that in itself is enough to make me jump for joy! But I am really looking forward to my August trip to Houston to visit my parents! It is so much fun to hang out with them and my 2 youngest sisters that still live at home! My middle sister is going to make the trip with us as well, and that is extra fun, because she has spent almost the entire summer with me. I'm not sure how the new baby will like a long drive, but I guess we'll find out. Since my trip will be after my big fireworks payday maybe I'll do some shopping while in Texas... LOL, probably not.
I've recently conquered some new truths, so here you go:
Just because you love someone does not make them perfect. Children are like mirrors, if you don't like the way they act, examine yourself. Some people are capable of taking you completely off guard, don't underestimate anyone. Your parents will always parent you, regardless of how old you are. Take time to enjoy it, they don't live forever.

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